Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July Movie

We had a great Independence Day picnic and fireworks display at Casey's house. Lance couldn't make it because he was still recuperating from having the varicose veins ripped out of his left leg. I made a movie so he could see the basics of the day. (None of the Harpers/Startups/Gallegos will see it because they all agree blogs are just "so much useless drivel") By the way, certain portions of this video were edited out to protect the shaky reputation of a particular senior member of the Startup family.


G'pa and G'ma Woody said...

I LOVED the video clips! Those kids have grown just since April! What's up?!!! You all looked great! and the last was better than any I saw this week! If the Startups, Harpers, Gallegos think blogs are useless drivel, just warn them to stay away...or they will get HOOKED like I am! I LOVE the blogs and can't wait to see what is new! Thanks, Glenn. And "Get better, Lance!"

Love, Jane

Jeni said...

WOW! That was so cute! I loved the organ patriotic!
Too bad the Startups will never see your masterpiece! That's can just keep posting awesome photos of me! ;)

Cook with Tom said...

Looks like you guys had a great time on the 4th!

Now I'm curious about the incriminating pictures of Mr. Startup!

Great blog guys, I hope Lance is feeling better.