Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ogden Hike

Early Saturday morning, when most people were still sleeping, some friends picked us up to go hiking above Ogden. (Maybe we should get new hiking friends.)

We parked at the bottom of 29th Street then headed up Waterfall Canyon. It's not a very long hike and it wasn't too hard going through the snow.

There's still no vegetation in the canyon, but the cliffs are always spectacular.

Very little water is coming down yet; we are definitely going to hike back up when the spring thaw arrives.

Trying to get pictures of everyone below the waterfall.

Glenn and Lance sitting just below the fall.

The ice formations are beautiful, too bad they don't show up very well in the pictures.

When we got back to the bottom of the canyon we got a little surprise, our friends said Waterfall Canyon was just the starter hike, now we were going to go up Taylor Canyon to Malan's Peak!

Here's everyone laying in the snow, trying to get the best angle for taking pictures of the cliffs in Taylor Canyon.

We hiked up....

...and up...
...and up...
...and up...

The trail in Taylor Canyon is MUCH longer and steeper than in Waterfall Canyon but the scenery is also much better with all the pines and firs framing the canyon cliffs.

Lance soaking up some of the first sunshine along the trail.
Glenn, quite often lagging far behind the others. He deserved to be the last - he's the oldest!
This guy never out of energy. What do you expect from someone named Hunter Wolfe?
Almost to the top.
Mt. Ogden and Ben Lomand in the distance.
Lance and Glenn looking over Ogden.

Us again.
Lance and Glenn with the Promontory Mountains way off in the distance.

(Mom said that when she was a girl she and her friends would walk all the way from the house on Riverdale Road and do the same hike we did - up Waterfall Canyon and then up Taylor Canyon to Malan's Peak. That's what I call real stamina and endurance!)
When we got home we weighed ourselves - we had both gained three pounds. We decided it was because we had converted so much fat into muscle and muscle weighs more. It could also have been the carmel apple pie and chocolate cake we ate at Rainbow Gardens after the hike.


Kim-the-girl said...

These hiking pictures are definitely making me jealous... we've still yet to find anything worth hiking here in Texas... and I'm sure once we do, it won't be nearly as picturesque.

Glenn and Lance said...

I guess we're really lucky here for great hiking. Yesterday we had dinner with a friend from Boston and we were talking about the dangers of some cliffs. She said, "We don't have conversations like this in Massachusetts."

Kalynne said...

that's it-you're in trouble now!!! You were right by mt house and you didn't stop by... jk-we'll still love ya. I can't wait for it to warm up more so we can take Reagan up all the fun Ogden trails!!

Jeni said...

Amazing! What a fun morning!

aLi said...

Dessert sounds delicious. I would love to eat 3 pounds of dessert right now.